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    We greatly appreciate the support we have received from the following organizations in the past:

    Eastern Insurance Group -

    Truist Bank 

    Grand Canyon University

    McGriff Insurance


    Secure Direction Consulting

    Florida Keys SHRM welcomes businesses and organizations to partner with us to provide effective educational and networking opportunities for our members and guests.  Our members are human resource leaders in local organizations with high standards of professionalism, and we can help you reach them with cost-effective methods for communicating your brand.

    Sponsorship Levels. 

    Level 1 – Cost $300.00 - As a sponsor, you receive:

    • Acknowledgement of your sponsorship in email notification of upcoming meeting
    • 5-minute presentation during the meeting you sponsored
    • Opportunity to provide marketing literature and/or promotional items to each attendee
    • Your logo/brand on our website with a backlink to your site
    • An opportunity to collect business cards through a drawing (if applicable)
    • Networking opportunity before and after the meeting
    • Complementary meeting attendance including a meal
    • Receive contact list of meeting attendees upon request

    Level 2 – Cost $150.00 - As a sponsor, you receive:

    • Acknowledgement of your sponsorship in email notification of upcoming meeting
    • Introduction at meeting
    • Opportunity to provide marketing literature and/or promotional items to each attendee
    • Your logo/brand on our website with a backlink to your site
    • An opportunity to collect business cards through a drawing (if applicable)
    • Networking opportunity before and after the meeting
    • Complementary meeting attendance including a meal

    Level 3 – Cost $100.00 - As a virtual sponsor, you receive:

    • Acknowledgement of your sponsorship in email notification of upcoming meeting
    • Introduction at meeting
    • Opportunity to provide marketing literature and/or promotional items to each attendee
    • Your logo/brand on our website with a backlink to your site

    Level 4 – Cost $50.00 – Email Blast to Chapter Members - As a sponsor, you receive:

    • Opportunity to provide marketing literature items to each chapter member via an email blast 

    Payments Via Mail can be sent to:

    Florida Keys SHRM
    Attn: Event Sponsorship
    PO Box 4750
    Key West, FL 33041

    Payments Via PayPal or by Credit Card
    Sponsorship Level